About US

Naby started out as a team… Four passionate individuals from Luxembourg’s financial and IT fields. The idea for Naby was born from the realization that there was a real lack of integrated fund management solutions for small and medium-sized ManCo.
Then came the solution development phase. The aim was to develop an adaptedupgradeable solution entirely in-house, meeting all legal requirements in terms of fund management.


Once upon a time…

For Naby, people are at least as important as technical skills… We’re a team of four people based in Luxembourg, and we strongly believe in the synergy between people.

Two divisions are at your disposal to provide you with the right solution for your needs:


The IT team, which develops, optimizes and supports the application.

Marketing & Sales

The Marketing & Sales team listens to your needs and makes sure your project runs smoothly.

Because nothing beats a demonstration tailored to your needs,
don’t hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Expertise made in Luxembourg

With a genuine passion for the financial sector and backgrounds in various Luxembourg banks and ManCo, the Naby team is perfectly placed to help you.

Our application was born out of an observation: there is currently no solution on the Luxembourg market that is adapted to small and medium-sized ManCo’s needs, to help them with their time-consuming daily tasks and save them precious time.

Naby’s main functions include task automation and day-to-day management of data, risk, compliance and reconciliation. Entirely developed in-house in Luxembourg, our application is tailor-made to meet your specific needs.